Did you know that saigas are a migratory species just like whales and penguins! Saigas migrate south to find better pastures in winter. To celebrate the beginning of the migration season school children in the saiga’s range in Uzbekistan hold the ‘Day of Migratory Species’ every November.

This year 300 secondary school students from Jaslyk, Nukus, Karakalpakstan and Kirk-Kiz as well as 140 kindergarten kids from Jaslyk took part in educational festival. Children gathered and shared information about migratory animals in different parts of the world – through life performances (ecological theater), interactive presentations and games.

One of the highlights of the festival was a play ‘Friendly Family’ about challenges saigas face while migrating and friendships that help them overcome all the obstacles.

The festival was organized and coordinated by leaders and active members of Steppe Wildlife Clubs with kind support of Club Penguin and the Wildlife Conservation Network.