On February 4, ranger Yerlan Nurgaliyev was posthumously awarded the “Barys” award for bravery in the performance of service duty. The corresponding decree was signed by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
As a reminder: on January 13, the ranger Yerlan Nurgaliyev, together with his colleagues, pursued poachers who were hunting saiga. After the chase, the rangers were severely beaten by poachers. Tragically, on January 15, Yerlan Nurgaliyev died in hospital. 
The police have made several arrests in association with the attack.

В Казахстане убит защитник сайгаков

В Казахстане убили егеря, когда он остановил браконьеров, перевозивших туши сайгаков. Сейчас сайгаки находятся под угрозой вымирания. Власти хотят посмертно наградить егеря медалью "за мужество"

Posted by Настоящее Время on Wednesday, January 23, 2019