As the SCA’s annual awards programme returns in 2023 – read more about the full programme – we look back on 10 years of the programme and understand the impact on international networking and capacity building.

The Young Conservation Leader award opened on 1 March 2023 – Download the application form

The Young Conservation Leader award scheme is one of those awards. Through the YCL awards we aim to increase the number of students and young people working with the SCA as young conservation leaders of the future.

Olga Esipova, Research & Development Officer at Saiga Conservation Alliance, is a real success story of the Young Conservation Leader awards.

In 2015 Olya, from Uzbekistan, was an SCA volunteer and full-time university student. Her project ‘Engaging School Children Through Mural Painting and Other Activities’ was an important step in the journey to working full time in conservation.

Read more about Saiga Mural Painting Project lead by Rory McCann

Time-lapse of mural painting.

At the time she used her Young Conservation Leaders award to work on the SCA’s new Migratory Species Day. 

When asked about the project Olya told us.

I helped organise a Migratory Species Day festival in schools in Uzbekistan. It was a new initiative for the Saiga Conservation Alliance, fortunately we already had a very similar experience with the Saiga Day festival, which the kids were already familiar with.

We visited three schools in Nukus, Kirkyz and Jaslyk. We  screened a wildlife documentary, and followed this with a discussion about migratory species where we drew special attention to the saiga. Then we created handmade posters showing migration routes. Finally we designed and painted masks representing a particular migratory species for a role-playing game, which the kids all really loved.

The highlight of the project for me was a discussion we had with the kids around the documentary. I was surprised to see how quickly kids absorb information and how incredibly enthusiastic they can be! Young people do care about wildlife and saigas. Before I did not have much chance to see that, but this year I’ve spent quite a lot of time working closely with kids and teenagers. It feels great when you know that you are not doing your work for nothing, and there are people sharing your interests and concerns.

On how the Young Conservation Leader award has shaped her career and why the award is important to future conservationists, Olya notes:

The project played a significant role in my personal development. Mainly, it helped me to learn more about teamwork and working with kids. I also really improved my public speaking skills and confidence, and I’ve become more effective with my time management. Last but not least, seeing a positive outcome of my work and understanding that it does help saigas made me more confident about my own abilities.

I would say that this grant is a unique opportunity for professional growth that enables you to realise your own ideas. This is a real chance to learn from more experienced professionals and make an actual contribution to conservation. I can tell from my personal experience that even though there will be challenges to face, it will only stimulate an interest and inspire you for bigger projects.

There are not many opportunities like that so I would suggest everyone not to miss it.

The Young Conservation Leader award opened on 1 March 2023 – Download the application form