Uzbekistan has shown its commitment to environmental protection in recent years with the establishment of Aral Kum and Saigachy National Parks. Working in collaboration with neighbouring countries such as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on transboundary conservation and environmental law enforcement, Uzbekistan has demonstrated a strong regional approach. Earlier in 2024, Uzbekistan hosted the UN CMS COP 14, where the Saiga was celebrated as an outstanding conservation success.
Uzbekistan has shown even more commitment by announcing Presidential Decree No. PP-171 on May 31, 2023 that show vision for environmental protection and legacy.
As part of the UN Environmental Programme’s Law and Environment Assistance Platform, Presidential Decree No. PP-171 pledges to effectively organise the activities of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change. The decree includes 13 priority areas to transform the field of ecology and environmental protection in Uzbekistan.
SCA are pleased and excited about this development, especially those areas that align directly with our aims and vision. The main highlights include the development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of nature conservation, as well as the rational use and restoration of natural resources, state environmental control for the protection of nature, protected natural areas, and the protection of wild fauna and flora. Additionally, the introduction of digital technologies in the field of nature protection is a significant step forward.
We also recognise priorities in the decree that align with SCA’s on-the-ground work in Uzbekistan through the Resurrection Island Project and SCA’s Environmental Education Programme which promotes steppe wildlife clubs and saiga day celebrations.

The decree pledges further development of ecotourism and safari tourism, effective use of national parks, and the construction of appropriate infrastructure facilities to enable the creation of favourable conditions for foreign and domestic tourists.

We’re energised to hear the pledges of ensuring the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of legal persons and individuals, fulfilling their duties in the field of nature protection and rational use of natural resources. Additionally, the development of cooperation with civil society institutions and the public in the field of nature protection, systematic organisation of environmental education, and support of scientific research are crucial elements.
SCA are also delighted by the declaration of 2024 as the “Year of the Saiga” by the head of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. This decree is a recognition of Saiga Day across the country, coupled with the news that 2024 has been named the Year of the Saiga, which rewards the dedication and hard work of our colleagues in Uzbekistan. This also highlights the societal relevance of Saiga in Uzbekistan and is a real recognition of the dedication and hard work of those who’ve worked on the ground for many years to establish flourishing environmental education programmes within local schools and the growth of Saiga Day. Established in 2010 as part of the SOS Saiga project, the first Saiga Day was held in Jaslyk and has since been celebrated annually across Uzbekistan. In 2024, besides Karakalpakstan, the event was held for the first time in the Tashkent region at the Chatkal Biosphere Reserve.

Uzbekistan’s proactive stance in environmental stewardship, as evidenced by Presidential Decree No. PP-171 and the designation of 2024 as the “Year of the Saiga,” reflects a robust commitment to sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.