Our Sponsors

Thank You to Our Sponsors

We are always interested in hearing from new sponsors. If you or the organisation you work for are interested in sponsoring one of our projects, or any other aspect of our work, please get in touch and we will be delighted to discuss potential partnerships with you.



The Wildlife Conservation Network

In 2007 the SCA was invited to become a partner organisation of the World Conservation Network (WCN). The WCN provide financial support for the SCA’s projects in Uzbekistan and further afield (which you can read about here) and also invite us to participate in their annual fundraising Expo, which allows us to reach even more potential donors and supporters. The WCN also supports production of Saiga News.

We are incredibly grateful for the recent support in raising an incredible amount of money to fund conservationists on the ground researching the terrible 2015 mass mortality event in Kazakhstan, as well as in helping us to keep a critical saiga breeding and research station open in Russia.

People's Trust for Endangered Species

The People’s Trust for Endangered Species generously co-fund the SCA’s public engagement project in western Kazakhstan, which seeks to help conserve the struggling Ural saiga population.

It is also funding latest research into the Saigas of Vozrozhdenie island (Anthrax Island!) We are also grateful to Ptes for helping us with emergency funding after the 2015 Kazak die-off tragedy which is allowing us to carry our research into what triggered the outbreak

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species

The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS) has a joint Memorandum of Understanding with the SCA. To find out more, and to see how you can contribute to keeping this MOU up to date, please visit our CMS page.

The CMS also helps to sponsor production of the SCA’s biannual newsletter, Saiga News.

Fauna and Flora International (FFI)

Fauna and Flora International work directly with the SCA’s projects in Uzbekistan. They are also funding the translation of this website into Russian, which will enable us to reach a much broader range of people across the saiga range states.

Whitley Fund for Nature

The Whitley Fund for Nature supports conservation on Resurrection Island (Uzbekistan). With the WFN Award, SCA works to strengthen regional anti-poaching enforcement, support local schools through environmental education programmes, and collaborate with large-scale industrial actors to ensure robust environmental and social safeguards are implemented to support biodiversity.

Darwin Fund for Nature

The Darwin Initiative is providing support in designating Resurrection Island, located in northwest Uzbekistan, as a national park, “Aralkum” to address saiga poaching and biodiversity loss. The program further addresses potential industrial infrastructure damage through technical support for effective biodiversity impact mitigation. In addition, Darwin Initiative enables us to support local residents by laying the foundation for sustainable income-generation opportunities such as ecotourism.


USFWS supports the umbrella project Building a collaborative foundation for evidence-based saiga antelope conservation. This project embraces many countries and NGOs, SCA is proud to have a role in it as well.

Disney Conservation Fund

The Disney Conservation Fund kindly support several SCA community outreach programmes in western Kazakhstan.