As part of the annual celebration of the Saiga Day Yashkul High School held a series of events dedicated to the conservation of saiga.

The annual competition “antelopes” saw over 60 children taking part in an event to promote environmental awareness and saiga conservation. The winners were awarded certificates, and they were able to participate in a project to design a mural that held wildlife artist Rory McCann painted at their school in June.

Members of the Steppe Wildlife club “Living Heritage” helped with the celebrations, and held a small event for all the school’s students. The ecological awareness team “Ecos” and the theatre group ”Saiga”, which are part of Living Heritage unveiled their new and interesting rooms.

This year, the students and teachers Yashkul school held a charity concert in the regional House of Culture. Steppe Wildlife Club members’ “Living Heritage” led the event, which was attended by the local community, the children used the concert to raise much needed money for a local child desperately in need of medical care.

The living Heritage club invited young ecologists from Yamg, Yasha, YASOSH, Hulhutinskoy, Molodezhnenskoy Yashkul area and Adykovskoy Chernozemelsky School District. As well as the rangers from the Stepnoi Sanctuary and an artist from Moscow Oleksenko AI.

Leading the celebrations the club raised the awareness of all attendees, about saiga conservation and protection of their steppe environment, they played environmental games, and the professional artist Oleksenko gave a master class in painting wild animals and students were treated to a photo exhibition “Flora and fauna of the steppe.”