Saving Saigas: Apply for Funding

Young Conservation Leaders Award

The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we are able to support aspiring conservationists (individuals or groups) with grants of $1000 each, (given in two payments of $500, with the second one conditional on good progress). The awards are to support a 12 month project which links to the ongoing work of the SCA in the winner’s country. We are calling applications from conservationists between the ages of 12 and 30 who live in China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia or Uzbekistan.

Our 2016/7 funding round has now closed. Please check back in Spring 2017

Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection

The Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection is for individuals or groups who have shown outstanding dedication and success in combating saiga antelope poaching. This award is in memory of Uldis Knackis, a ranger who was killed while pursuing a saiga poacher.

Small Grants Programme

In 2007 the SCA initiated a pioneering Small Grants Programme. This competition aims to build capacity at the grassroots level by enabling individuals to apply for a grant of up to $2,000 for a one-year project on saiga conservation in the wild. The Small Grants Programme is open to anyone with a good idea, and it has produced some excellent results.

The Small Grants Programme is a very cost-effective way of catalysing conservation action where it is needed throughout the saiga’s range, and of helping to build capacity among local conservationists. It has an accessible application procedure, with short proposals which can be submitted in either Russian or English, meaning it is open to groups who would not normally be able to apply for an international grant. Each project leader is mentored by a member of the SCA Steering Committee, to ensure that project progress is monitored and support given where necessary.

Our 2016/7 funding round has now closed. Please check back in Spring 2017