Generously funded by the Wildlife Conservation Network

We are pleased to announce a small grants competition for the conservation of the saiga antelope. The competition is funded by the Wildlife Conservation Network and administered by the Saiga Conservation Alliance.

Eligible projects will:

· Be concerned with the conservation of the saiga antelope

· Be implemented within a saiga range state (Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia) or consumer country (including China, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia)

· Be undertaken in the period July 15, 2019 to June 30, 2020

· Have a budget between USD1,000 and USD3,000

· Be affiliated to the Saiga Conservation Alliance, and bound by the rules of its constitution, and the reporting requirements that are laid out therein.

The SCA small grants programme will fund between 2 and 4 projects with budgets in the region of $1,000-3,000. The programme is aimed at financing in-country grass-roots research and conservation. Proposals should clearly demonstrate how the project contributes to fulfilling the goals of the Convention on Migratory Species’ Medium Term Work Programme for the saiga antelope (see here).

The project team must include someone based within the 4 range states (see above), which comprise the saiga range, or one of the main consumer countries (see above). Previous projects can be seen here:

There is no requirement to be associated with the SCA in order to submit a proposal, but if you would like advice before submission, you are welcome to discuss your proposal with the Steering Committee member in your country or with our international coordination team (see here).

Please submit your proposal in English or Russian (application forms below) by e-mail as an attachment to the Saiga Conservation Alliance (, by midnight (GMT) on June 15, 2019. Proposals received after June 15 will not be considered. Successful applicants will be notified by June 30, 2019. Previously successful applicants can re-apply. No expenditure incurred on project activities before July 15, 2019, or after June 30, 2020, can be refunded. The final report on project progress must be submitted to the SCA by July 30, 2020. Funding will be provided in two tranches (50% at the start, 50% on receipt of a satisfactory interim financial and narrative report). This scheme does not pay salaries; all other types of cost are eligible.