Художественная акция: рога сайгака продавали в Казахстане. Ссылка на оригинал на русском языке внизу страницы.

On August 19 a ‘saiga’ was killed by a poacher in the center of Kostanai city and his horns were sold…

This was the dramatic conclusion of a performance organized by ACBK.

The star of the performance was undoubtedly the ‘saiga-man’. For two days he walked around the city, chatting to passers-by. On Saturday, at the opening of the unique performance piece “Saigak”, a poacher suddenly appeared in the square and killed the saiga-man.

Passers-by witnessed the scene when the poacher then stood next to the dying saiga-man with a sign saying “saiga horns for sale”.

The purpose of the performance was to highlight the illegal trade of saiga horns. In many places local to the city, you can easily come across various advertising sites, as well as lamp posts and bus stops, where you can see ads advertising saiga horns. These ads fuel the demand for poaching and leads to a reduction in the number of species.

The action continues on the instagram (https://www.instagram.com/i_am_saigak) the saiga man will talk about the life and problems of saigas.

Since 2012, ACBK has been conducting an Information Campaign against the illegal trade in saiga horns. The campaign searches for ads on the sales of saiga horns in towns and cities in Kazakhstan, as well as on the Internet, in order to identify traders, and to inform the public about the criminal liability for illegal trade in saiga horns. The initiative is supported by the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife, “PO Okhotzoprom” and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Unfortunately, advertising the sale of rare species of animals and their derivatives is not mentioned in the law, therefore, law enforcement agencies are often powerless in the fight against traders and distributors of announcements.

During the campaign, with the aid of volunteers, raids were organized in major cities of Kazakhstan, and negotiations were held with administrators of large websites. As a result, advertisements for the purchase of saiga horns disappeared, but after a while appear again.

To date, ACBK has come forward with a proposal to criminalize the advertising of sales of rare species and their derivatives at the legislative level.

Source (in Russian): http://bit.ly/2L3c8hr