Saiga Conservation Alliance are delighted to announce the first of 2 Young Conservation Leader Winners. Thank you to all who applied and we wish you good luck with your saiga conservation efforts.

Through YCL we aim to increase the number of students and young people working with the SCA as young conservation leaders

Bringing back our Annual Awards, after a short hiatus, has been very important for the alliance. Through this award we aim to build capacity among members for more effective conservation and information-sharing.

SCA also wishes to take this opportunity to thank our donor for this award Zoofari Parks. Without Zoofari Parks’ support this award would not be possible.

We’re delighted to introduce our Young Conservation Leader  winner and their project

Name: Mekhriban Saparbayeva

Country: Uzbekistan

Occupation: Primary school teacher from Nukus, Uzbekistan

About Mekhriban Saparbayeva and the project at school 337, Nukus:

During my time as a student at school 337 in Nukus, I had the privilege of being the president of the ecological club called “Nadezhda” or “Hope.” As a club, we were deeply committed to raising awareness about the conservation of the saiga, a critically endangered species. We organised and participated in various events and competitions focused on saiga conservation, such as quizzes, an environmental marathon, an environmental summer camp, as well as theatrical performances, sports activities, and art events. One notable achievement was the creation of a stunning mural in our school, which depicted the remarkable nature of Ustyurt—a significant habitat for saigas and other rare desert animals.

Currently, as a teacher I am actively involved in organising environmental events and initiatives for primary school students. Together with my students, we passionately engage in activities that promote environmental conservation. One of the highlights is our annual participation in Saiga Day, where we come together with other like-minded individuals and organisations to actively contribute towards the protection of the saiga species. By educating and inspiring the younger generation about the importance of preserving our natural heritage, we hope to create a lasting impact and ensure a brighter future for saigas and their unique ecosystem.

Mekhriban Saparbayeva (L) & (R) with her students

In our ecological club’s journey towards promoting environmental awareness and conservation, we aim to  accomplish several impactful initiatives and host events. Here are some notable highlights:

1. Creation of a bio/ecology cabinet: We’ll establish a dedicated space within our school, equipped with the necessary resources and tools for studying biology and ecology. This cabinet serves as a hub for conducting experiments, research, and fostering a deeper understanding of our natural world.

2. International Day of Migratory Animals: We’ll organise and host events specifically dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of migratory animals. Through presentations, workshops, and interactive activities, we educated our school community about the challenges faced by these animals and the significance of their conservation.

3. Take care of the birds in winter: To support local bird populations during harsh winter conditions, we’ll initiate a campaign to provide food and shelter for birds in need. By spreading bird feeders and creating birdhouses, we aimed to ensure their survival and well-being.

4. Garbage Surrender: We’ll recognise the impact of waste on our environment, we conducted a collective effort to clean up and properly dispose of garbage in our surroundings. Through this action, we aimed to promote responsible waste management and raise awareness about the detrimental effects of littering.

5. Ecological ball at school: During the festive season, we’ll organise an ecological ball as an alternative celebration for the New Year. This event incorporated eco-friendly decorations and sustainable practices to emphasise the importance of environmental consciousness in all aspects of life.

6. World Water Day: We’ll dedicate events to mark World Water Day, emphasising the significance of clean and accessible water sources. Through workshops, awareness campaigns, and conservation activities, we aimed to highlight the importance of water conservation and responsible water usage.

7. Saiga Day: Each year, we actively participate in Saiga Day, linking with organisations and individuals dedicated to the preservation of the saiga species. Through various activities, we raise awareness about the saiga’s critical status and advocate for their protection.

8. Planting a cherry avenue: As a step towards greening our school environment, we’ll initiate a project to plant a cherry alley on our school grounds. This endeavour aimed to enhance the beauty of the campus while promoting the importance of planting trees for a healthier ecosystem.

9. Excursion to Nizhne-Amudarya State Biosphere Reserve: To deepen our understanding of biodiversity and conservation efforts, we’ll organise an educational excursion for our club members to the Nizhne-Amudarya State Biosphere Reserve. This experience will allow students to witness the beauty of nature firsthand and learn about the importance of protected areas for preserving wildlife and ecosystems.

Through these various initiatives and events, our ecological club strives to make a positive impact on the environment and inspire others to join us in protecting our natural world.