In partnership with the Saiga Conservation Alliance
The purpose of this project is to strengthen conservation outcomes for saiga antelope by providing opportunities for relevant actors to come together in a sustainable and inclusive network, fostering ongoing learning and evidence generation, and investing in capacity building for long-term sustainability.
Specific activities of this five-year cooperative agreement include:
(1) two workshops to convene USFWS-funded saiga partners and other relevant stakeholders to build relationships, share information, explore synergies, and identify and fill evidence gaps,
(2) assessment of how the USFWS-funded projects contribute to the Convention of Migratory Species Medium-Term International Work Programme for Saiga,
(3) a collaborative whole-supply-chain evidence gap analysis and theory of change to catalyze a transformative improvement in saiga status,
(4) horizon scan to identify potential new threats to long-term saiga conservation,
(5) joint publications and briefings for key stakeholders, including key outcomes and recommendations from the USFWS-funded saiga projects,
(6) support for project teams to attend relevant trainings, workshops, and capacity-building activities, in addition to exchanges between countries, to maximize synergies between projects and build communities of practice,
(7) support for targeted subject matter expertise and/or specific trainings for individual USFWS-funded projects,
(8) development of a communications platform for all project teams,
(9) development and maintenance of a dedicated USFWS-portfolio site within the existing Saiga Resource Centre to share project materials,
(10) production of articles for the biannual six-language online and in-print newsletter Saiga News to disseminate results of USFWS-funded projects to a wide audience, and
(11) portfolio-level monitoring, evaluation, and learning to assess evidence building efforts.