Steppe Wildlife clubs join in with Saiga Day celebrations.

SCA’s latest initiative to involve teenagers in the conservation of their environment and in particular the saiga antelope is really taking off. A network of ‘Steppe Wildlife clubs’ has been rolled out across Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan. Aimed at teenagers, who are the next generation of conservationists (or poachers) the clubs open a door to a fascinating world of wildlife, engaging teenagers in their local environment and how they can become actively involved in safeguarding it.

One of the projects which the clubs get involved with is the annual Saiga Day celebrations. They help to organise the events and put on plays, dances, recitals and help get the entire community involved in the celebrations.

This year saw more people than ever taking part in the festivities, with new competitions, events and entertainment; please read the attached article to find out more about what these young people have been helping their local SCA teams to arrange.

SCA_Youth outreach