We are happy to announce the launch of the first international saiga ecotour to southern Russia.
The SCA has worked with a local tour company, Saga Voyages, to develop a tour of the saiga range area in southern Russia, to run in September 2011. The tour will include visits to key SCA project sites and will directly support the work of committed, in-country conservationists, whilst providing a source of much-needed income for the local economy and fostering links with the wider international community.
The 10-day tour, arranged by the award-winning Saga Voyages, will explore the rich natural history of this little-known region, taking in the thriving grasslands of the Southern Russian Steppe, the arid Caspian region, and the lush wetlands of the Volga Delta, and will involve direct contact with the warm people who inhabit these lands, including those of the Republic of Kalmykia, the only official Tibetan Buddhist state in Europe, and the historic city of Astrakhan.
Please see below for a full press release and the official tour flyer.
For further information and booking details please contact us.