by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 2 June, 2008 | Saiga News
An article in the Independent newspaper published on 31 January has higlighted saiga antelopes as one of the world’s rare-but-ugly species that need greater attention from conservationists, the public and media alike. Jonathan Baillie of the Zoological Society...
by saigaconservationalliance | Wednesday, 6 February, 2008 | Impact Evaluation, Projects, Russia
This Darwin Initiative project builds on the success of our previous Darwin project (Using saiga antelope conservation to improve rural livelihoods) by collaborating with Kalmykian educationalists and religious leaders to highlight the importance of saiga...
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 17 January, 2008 | Kazakhstan, Russia, Saiga News, Small Grants Programme, Uzbekistan
With the support of the Wildlife Conservation Network, the Saiga Conservation Alliance has initiated a small grants competition. The first round was held in September 2007, and four projects were chosen for support by the Steering Committee. The scheme is aimed at...
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 17 January, 2008 | Saiga News
“BAG Eurasia of NABU” (the working group of the German Society for Nature Conservation (NABU) dealing with conservation projects in Europe and Asia), has just become the latest institutional member of the SCA. Additionally, BAG Eurasia has just announced...
by saigaconservationalliance | Saturday, 12 January, 2008 | Participatory Monitoring, Population Monitoring, Projects, Uzbekistan
*Saiga horns are also known as ling yang (羚羊) and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine Period: January 1st 2007- December 31st 2009 Participants Fauna and Flora International Elena Bykova, Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan Alexander...
by saigaconservationalliance | Sunday, 16 December, 2007 | Saiga News
On 23rd November 2007, a meeting took place in Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, entitled “Saiga conservation: methods for effective conservation of the Ustyurt saiga population in Uzbekistan”. Representatives from the State Committee for Nature Protection at the...
by saigaconservationalliance | Saturday, 1 December, 2007 | Saiga News
Following the creation of their successful “The Saga of the Saiga” cartoon in 2006, AniMASTER cartoon studios have launched a competition to find a script for the “The Saga of the Saiga 2”. If you’d like to ener a script, or find out more...
by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 8 October, 2007 | Saiga News
We successfully raised awareness and funds at various events at this year’s WCN Expo to ensure that our vital saiga conservation work continues. We are extremely grateful to the WCN team for organising the Expo and especially to all our current and new donors,...
by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 1 October, 2007 | Alternative Livelihoods, Projects, Russia
This was a project under Defra’s Small Environmental Projects Scheme, and was led by Iu.A. Arylov, with Imperial College as the UK partner. Period: October 2005 – September 2006 Collaborators Professor Iu.A. Arylov, Centre for the Study and Conservation of Wild...
by saigaconservationalliance | Friday, 14 September, 2007 | Saiga News
Committee members from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, the UK and Germany were present to discuss latest developments and achievements within the range states. A strategic plan for 2007-2010 was agreed and winners for the small grant...