by saigaconservationalliance | Friday, 4 July, 2014 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan’s post office has issued a series of stamps devoted to rare species that inhabit the country and are listed in its Red Data Book. The series: “Fauna. Rare animals of Uzbekistan” comprises three stamps – one of which represents the saiga antelope....
by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 30 June, 2014 | Saiga News
Цель премии, которая как мы надеемся станет ежегодной, состоит в том, чтобы поддержать следующее поколение молодых людей, работающих в области сохранения сайгака, отметить их вклад в охрану вида, и объединить для построения сети в ареале обитания сайгака, чтобы они...
by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 30 June, 2014 | Mongolia, Russia, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Young Conservation Leaders
The applicants were of excellent quality, and we are happy to report that the following aspiring conservationists will each receive $1,000 to support a 12 month project which links to the ongoing work of the SCA in the winner’s country: Aigul’ Aitbaeva...
by saigaconservationalliance | Friday, 2 May, 2014 | Saiga News
Join Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland at the Imperial festival in London on May 10th as she discusses her research on the impact of human activity and political change on the saiga antelope population, and why we must focus on involving local rural communities in...
by saigaconservationalliance | Tuesday, 8 April, 2014 | Impact Evaluation, Kazakhstan, Saiga News
*Saiga horns are also known as ling yang (羚羊) and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine In the mid 1990s the Ustyurt (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) saiga population numbered around 250,000 individuals; along with the other populations it suffered a dramatic collapse in...
by saigaconservationalliance | Tuesday, 8 April, 2014 | Saiga News, Steppe Wildlife Club
The next few months will be a busy time for SCA members in the field, as thanks to our donors as we have a multitude of activities lined up. We are very excited about welcoming Rory McCann; conservationist and artist, to rural Uzbekistan where he will be involving...
by saigaconservationalliance | Tuesday, 8 April, 2014 | Saiga News
*Saiga horns are also known as ling yang (羚羊) and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine Konstantin Savitsky is 48 years old and lives in the village of Kubla, in the remote north east region of the Ustyurt plateau in Uzbekistan, he used to poach the critically...
by saigaconservationalliance | Tuesday, 1 April, 2014 | Saiga News
The SCA is branching out into the music world with the release of a song and video about saiga. The song was originally written and performed by a famous Karakalpak musician and singer Koblan Ezenbaev, and he has kindly let us reproduce it in English. The song is...
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 27 March, 2014 | Saiga News
Сайғоқни сақлаш бўйича альянс Қозоғистон, Хитой, Мўғулистон, Россия ва Ўзбекистонда яшовчи атроф муҳит муҳофазаси ишидаги ёш йўлбошчилар учун янги мукофот ҳақида эълон қилишдан мамнун. Сайғоқни сақлаш бўйича альянс ёш экологлар авлоди вакилларини қўллаб-қувватлаш ўта...
by saigaconservationalliance | Wednesday, 19 March, 2014 | Saiga News
Ақбөкендерді сақтау Альянсы жас эколог мамандардың қолдауының ерекше маңызды екенін бағалайды. Жас көшбасшыларға арналған осы сыйлық ақы аясында Альянс бес үмітті табиғат қорғаушыны АҚШ тың 1000 доллары көлемінде қолдай алады. Сыйлық ақы жүзеге асыру мерзімі 12 айлық,...