How to draw saiga heads like a professional

Feeling creative and want to see how easy it is to draw a saiga’s head? Join Julius Csotonyi and our very own Olya for a saiga drawing masterclass and you’ll be recreating the saiga’s uniquie features in no time. Thanks so much to Julius...

Wondering what we’ve been up to in 2020?

Then why not watch the short ‘Virtual Expo’ presentation which Lena and Olya gave this weekend. Catch up with our 2020 events and what our rangers have been up to, as well as our continuing plans for Resurrection Island. Our thanks go to Wildlife...

Saiga success story in the news!

We wanted to share this lovely article published in National Geographic and written by Jason Bittel. There’s also a short, 6 minute clip which gives a lovely overview of what our colleagues in Kazakhstan, the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of...

Join us in celebrating Earth Day 2020

We’re excited to be part of Unboxals’ EarthDay : 50 Years 50 Animals campaign, to help inspire kids to be Animal Champions! Here’s a sneak peak of what you can expect. Can you guess what animal this is? Stay tuned as we share more incredible resources for...

Optimistic conservation stories

In challenging times it’s easy to forget that there are stories which give us hope for the future. That’s why we feel that It’s so important to highlight and share these stories with both children and adults alike. The Saiga Conservation Alliance is...

New saiga toys on sale now!

This is not a very ordinary story of a young mother, who evokes a love for saigas in the hearts of old and young alike, with her handmade toys. Her name is Natalya Sayapina, and she is a 29 year-old science teacher. However, she’s taking a break while she concentrates...