by Carlyn Samuel | Wednesday, 20 December, 2017 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Kazakhstan, Population Monitoring, Russia, Saiga News
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2017/8 excellence in saiga protection award Project 1 Inzhieva Gerel Davaevna, part of the national Preschool Educational Institution in Russia will be creating “The Saiga Trail” for pre-schoolers in Russia. Which...
by Carlyn Samuel | Wednesday, 14 June, 2017 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Saiga News, Small Grants Programme
We are pleased to announce an award programme promoting excellence in the conservation of the saiga antelope. We appreciate the hard work carried out by rangers, scientists, teachers, young people and other committed individuals, and we are keen to further support the...
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 5 November, 2015 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Population Monitoring, Saiga News, Small Grants Programme, Uzbekistan, Young Conservation Leaders
The Saiga Conservation Alliance 2015 Awards Event took place on Thursday 29th October 2015 at Hotel Uzbekistan in Tashkent. Presentations were made by winners of awards and small grants from the SCA over the last few years, and the 2015 winners were presented with...
by saigaconservationalliance | Friday, 10 April, 2015 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Saiga News
In 2014 the SCA recognised the dedication of the rangers of the Irgiz Turgai State Nature Reserve in Kazakhstan, the rangers of the Stepnoi Reserve – Kalmykia, Russia, and Baljinnyam Batsaikhan in Mongolia. The Saiga Conservation Alliance is seeking nominations for...
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 9 April, 2015 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Saiga News
В 2014 году SCA признал самоотверженность рейнджеров Иргиз-Тургайского государственного природного заповедника в Казахстане, рейнджеров Степной заповедник – Калмыкия, Россия и Baljinnyam Batsaikhan в Монголии. Альянс по сохранению сайгака объявляет конкурс на...
by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 6 April, 2015 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Russia, Saiga News
In 2014 the SCA recognised the dedication of the rangers of the Stepnoi Reserve – Kalmykia, Russia in our Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection. The Stepnoi State Nature Reserve covers an area of 119 thousand. Ha, established in 2000 it is one of the few places...
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 2 April, 2015 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Mongolia, Saiga News
In 2014 Baljinnyam Batsaikhan was recognised by the SCA for his outstanding work to protect saigas. He is a state environmental inspector and a leader of the Saiga ranger network team, has been working with the WWF Mongolia Programme since 2006. He supervises 12 Saiga...
by saigaconservationalliance | Tuesday, 31 March, 2015 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Kazakhstan, Saiga News
The overall winners of the 2014 SCA Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection were the rangers of the Irgiz Turgai State Nature Reserve in Kazakhstan. Before we launch the 2015 award next week let’s take a look at what makes this team so special The team...
by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 30 March, 2015 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Saiga News
Айгуль Айтбаевой 25 лет. Она работает в «Центре диких животных Республики Калмыкия», Россия. Данная премия позволила ей разработать небольшой красочный буклет о сайгаках для детей. Айгуль, расскажите мне немного о вашей работе? В основном , я работаю в сфере...
by saigaconservationalliance | Monday, 7 July, 2014 | Award for Excellence in Saiga Protection, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Saiga News
The award supports individuals or teams, from government or from NGOs, who have shown particular dedication and outstanding success in combating saiga poaching over the last 12 months. The applicants were of excellent quality and to recognise their extraordinary...