2010 Small Grant Programme winner: Gunbat Gundensambuu and Bayarbaatar Buuveibaatar (Mongolia) “Food habits and overlaps between livestock and Mongolian saiga”

Gunbat Gundensambuu is a Masters student at the National University of Mongolia, studying for a degree in ecology and conservation. The ecology of the Mongolian saiga antelope has featured in Gunbat’s previous studies and will form the basis of his MSc thesis. He has...

Saiga Poachers caught in Mongolia

*Saiga horns are also known as ling yang (羚羊) and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine On 20 December, 2008 IRVES 3 Mobile AntiPoaching Unit and police officers detained two Mongolian citizens who killed 6 Mongolian Saigas. A volunteer ranger informed the case of the...