Каракалпакстан, ноябрь 2024 г. – В школах Каракалпакстана прошел День мигрирующих животных, ежегодное образовательное мероприятие, направленное на повышение осведомленности детей о миграции животных и значении охраны природы. Организаторами выступили Saiga...“Day of Migratory species” — brings us closer to nature
«День Мигрирующих видов» — приближает нас к природе Animal migration is their regular movement, during which individuals from one habitat move to another, and return back after a while. Animal migrations are one of the most moving and unusual natural...The saigas are migrating!
Did you know that saigas are a migratory species just like whales and penguins! Saigas migrate south to find better pastures in winter. To celebrate the beginning of the migration season school children in the saiga’s range in Uzbekistan hold the ‘Day of...Schools in Uzbekistan celebrate Migratory Species Day
It’s became an annual event for schools in the saiga regions of Nukus and Ustyurt to host Migratory Species Day events just before the Christmas break. This year, the the SCA team visited the Steppe Wildlife Club “Hope” which the first to celebrate. High school...Read moreA diversity of representatives of the animal world regularly embark on risky and exhausting travels just to survive as a species. So many dangers and obstacles are encountered by migratory animals on their way. And many of them have been created artificially, by human hands. The saiga is a champion long-distance migrant.