Winners of Saiga Conservation Alliance Awards and Small Grants

The Saiga Conservation Alliance 2015 Awards Event took place on Thursday 29th October 2015 at Hotel Uzbekistan in Tashkent. Presentations were made by winners of awards and small grants from the SCA over the last few years, and the 2015 winners were presented with...

In recent years, attempts have been made to conduct saiga censuses by means of aerial photography using drones.

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2010 Small Grant Programme winner: Pavel Amosov (Russia) “Saiga status and its conservation during migration in the vicinity of the Baskunchak lake”

Pavel Amosov is deputy director for science at Bogdinsk Baskunchak nature reserve in Astrakhan Province, Russia. Pavel has been working in the reserve for 2 years and is responsible for monitoring the status of the reserve’s vertebrate populations. Prior to this...