by saigaconservationalliance | Wednesday, 23 September, 2009 | Mongolia, Population Monitoring, Projects
The Mongolian saiga has long been isolated from the more numerous populations in Kazakhstan and Russia by the Altai Mountains. They occur at low densities but across a wide area of the western Mongolian Gobi steppe-desert. The population of Mongolian saiga has...
by Carlyn Samuel | Wednesday, 19 November, 2008 | Kazakhstan, Population Monitoring, Russia, Small Grants Programme, Uzbekistan
This year the Small Grants Programme received 18 proposals from five countries and was generously supported by the Wildlife Conservation Network. At the end of October the SCA Steering Committee met in Almaty, Kazakhstan for their annual meeting and to discuss the...
by saigaconservationalliance | Friday, 7 November, 2008 | Kazakhstan, Population Monitoring, Russia, Saiga News, Small Grants Programme, Uzbekistan
On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Saiga Conservation Alliance, I am delighted to announce the winners of the 2008 SCA Small Grants competition. This competition aims to build capacity for saiga conservation at the grassroots level by enabling individuals to...
by saigaconservationalliance | Saturday, 12 January, 2008 | Participatory Monitoring, Population Monitoring, Projects, Uzbekistan
*Saiga horns are also known as ling yang (羚羊) and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine Period: January 1st 2007- December 31st 2009 Participants Fauna and Flora International Elena Bykova, Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan Alexander...
by Carlyn Samuel | Thursday, 19 July, 2007 | Kazakhstan, Population Monitoring, Small Grants Programme
This project, by a young researcher at the Institute of Zoology in Kazakhstan, will help to train the next generation of saiga experts as well as providing important information on the current status of the saiga population in Betpak-dala. This was one of the most...
by Carlyn Samuel | Thursday, 19 July, 2007 | Kazakhstan, Population Monitoring, Russia, Small Grants Programme, Uzbekistan
With the support of the Wildlife Conservation Network, the Saiga Conservation Alliance has initiated a small grants competition. The first round was held in September 2007, and four projects were chosen for support by the Steering Committee. The scheme is aimed at...