by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 18 May, 2021 | Camera Trapping, Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
Camera traps work not only during the day but also at night. Therefore, this fox in the Stepnoi Reserve, Russia also got into the lens. Фотоловушки работают не только днем, но и ночью. Поэтому в объектив попала и эта лиса в Степном заказнике, Россия....
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 4 May, 2021 | Camera Trapping, Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
Steppe harrier looks out on the ground for food. Stepnoi Reserve, Russia Степной лунь высматривает на земле, чем бы поживиться. Заказник Степной, Россия.
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 27 April, 2021 | Camera Trapping, Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
The gray robber did not even suspect that the sensitive “eye” of a camera trap, installed not far from his path on the territory of the Stepnoi Reserve, Astrakhan region, was watching him. Серый разбойник и не подозревал, что за ним наблюдает чуткий «глаз»...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 9 April, 2021 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
The vegetation of the North-Western Caspian region has undergone significant changes in the last almost thirty years, mainly expressed in an increase in the proportion of cereals and a reduction in the areas occupied by shrubs, which has led to an increase in the...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Sunday, 28 March, 2021 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
At the All-Russian Nature Festival “Pristine Russia” that happened recently, the experience of the Astrakhan region in the conservation of the saiga was presented. Within the framework of the thematic day of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia,...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 10 March, 2021 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
The preservation of the Red Book species of animals, including the saiga, is the task of each and every one. PJSC LUKOIL actively participates in the implementation of the Business and Biodiversity Initiative, makes an increasingly significant contribution to the...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Sunday, 31 January, 2021 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
Look at these amazing photos and videos collected several days ago from camera traps in Stepnoi Reserve in Astrakhan region, Russia. Delicious ice Saiga male calling gentle female Curious animals Male attacking camera trap Saiga unicorn saiga unicorn participating in...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Monday, 11 January, 2021 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
With a feeling of deep sorrow that we have to report that our “saiga” community has suffered an irreparable loss. On the evening of January 8, 2021, terrible news came, which shocked literally everyone – Anton Pavlovich Mezhnev suddenly died, who spent more than...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Saturday, 26 December, 2020 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
These are the results of the drawing contest “New Year Card” held by steppe club Vozrozhdeniye (Renaissance) in the Limanskiy district of the Astrakhan region of Russia. Результаты конкурса рисунков “Новогодняя открытка”, проведённого степным...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Sunday, 20 December, 2020 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
There are two very important periods in the difficult and dangerous life of saigas – animals of amazing appearance and fate that live also on the Steppe of the Liman District of the Astrakhan Region. One of these periods is calving when the saiga calves are...