Saiga Day 2020. Russia

Undoubtedly, the main and most important event in the activities of the steppe clubs is the celebration of Saiga Day. Immediately after the Saiga Day in 2019, members of the steppe clubs began to make plans, carefully prepare for this celebration in 2020. But, as you...

Saiga Day 2020 Uzbekistan

In early May, Uzbekistan traditionally celebrated “Saiga Day”. The timing of the celebration was not chosen by chance: during this period, small saigas are born on Ustyurt plateau. Because of the widespread quarantine, the methods and forms of environmental activities...

Saiga coloring sheets

We are glad to thank Julius Csotonyi for creating these saiga coloring sheets. Feel free to download and color them! Send us your (or your kids’) results and we will add them to the ‘saiga art gallery’. Saiga Day online goes on!

Saiga day online 2020 – saiga poem

As a part of the online Saiga Day 2020 guys from Steppe club “Vozrozhdenije” (Renaissance) in Liman, Astrakhan region, Russia read a poem about saiga, which was composed by all the members of the Steppe club. В рамках Дня сайгака онлайн 2020 ребята из...

Saiga day – art-challenge

перевод на русский язык ниже We are happy to join WWF Russia in art-challenge devoted to the Saiga Day – look at the works from SCA steppe clubs below! And of course join the challenge! Just put saiga in any picture, movie scene, photo etc. and post it in any...