Ретроспектива: Михаил Шпигельман, победитель конкурса малых грантов в 2021 году

Поскольку грантовые программы SCA возвращаются в 2023 году, мы вспоминаем, что удалось сделать с их помощью за прошедшие 10 лет.  Одна из таких программ SCA – Программа малых грантов, направленная на укрепление потенциала, распространение успешных практик и...

Saiga News 28 – Winter 2022/2023

Saiga News issue 28 is available in English and Russian! Feature The Government of Kazakhstan on the way to sustainable use of saiga Updates Catalyzing support for species threatened by wildlife trafficking Mongolian saiga population hits 13,925 Surveillance for...

Happy New Year children drawings

We are pleased to present you with the results of the children’s drawing competition on the theme of the saiga and the New Year, which has just taken place in the Astrakhan region in Russia. The First Place Azarov Arkady, 6th grade, MKOU Promyslovskaya school 1...

You can still donate

2022 has been a challenging yet successful year for the Saiga Conservation Alliance and our partners in the 6 Saiga range states. The support you have given to SCA and our partners is invaluable. We wanted to take this opportunity to bring you some of the major...