SCA grants winners 2021. Small grants programme and Young Conservation Leaders.

After sad and nervous 2020 marked with COVID during which Saiga Conservation Alliance like many other entities had to cut down its activities it was especially pleasant to be able to resume grants competitions in 2021. The reaction was quite fruitful – we’ve got quite...

Антон Павлович Межнев

Антон Павлович Межнев 22 октября 1963 г. — 8 января 2020 г. Антон Павлович Межнев скоропостижно скончался 8 января 2021 года. И это огромная потеря не только для его родных и близких, не только для российской орнитологии, но и для охраны природы нашей и не только...

Day of Migratory species in Ustyurt.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the festive events dedicated to the “Migrating Animals” continued. This time they moved from Nukus to the Ustyurt plateau, where the main saiga population lives. The relay race for the competition of open lessons on the...