Saiga Day in Uzbekistan continuation – part 2. Saiga Day 2021 in Ustyurt. Villages located near the Saigachy Reserve

5 May. Celebrating Saiga Day 2021 in the village of Kyrk-Kyz. The steppe club based on school number 31 friendly welcomes guests from school number 52 in the neighboring village of Elabad. An important fact is that Uz-Kor Gas Chemical JV LLC became partners in the...


Camera traps work not only during the day but also at night. Therefore, this fox in the Stepnoi Reserve, Russia also got into the lens. Фотоловушки работают не только днем, но и ночью. Поэтому в объектив попала и эта лиса в Степном заказнике, Россия....