by Carlyn Samuel | Monday, 23 March, 2020 | Saiga News
In challenging times it’s easy to forget that there are stories which give us hope for the future. That’s why we feel that It’s so important to highlight and share these stories with both children and adults alike. The Saiga Conservation Alliance is...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Thursday, 19 March, 2020 | Saiga News
Всемирный день дикой природы In order to increase public awareness of wildlife and flora, in December 2013, the UN General Assembly, by its resolution (A / RES / 68/205), decided to proclaim March 3 as World Wildlife Day. This event was a milestone in the history of...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 17 March, 2020 | Saiga News
К пожароопасному сезону готовы! At the very beginning of March, the Environmental Management and Environmental Protection Service of the Astrakhan Region reported on weather conditions that have occurred in the Region and could contribute to the emergency of natural...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Saturday, 7 March, 2020 | Saiga News
This is not a very ordinary story of a young mother, who evokes a love for saigas in the hearts of big and small with her handmade toys. Her name is Natalia Sayapina, she is 29 years old, she has two higher educations, which gave her the opportunity to connect her...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Saturday, 7 March, 2020 | Saiga News
Устюртская группа АСБК провела открытые уроки на тему сайгаков для сельских детей On February 13 – 22, specialists from the monitoring group of ACBK in Ustyurt conducted 10 open lessons in schools of the Shalkar district of the Aktobe region. 207 students and 14...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 6 March, 2020 | Saiga News
Заповедный урок – узнаем больше! At the beginning of 2020, a significant date was widely celebrated – the 100th anniversary of the creation of the first reserve on the territory of the Russian Empire, Barguzinsky, on the shore of Lake Baikal in the Republic of...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 6 March, 2020 | Saiga News
Проводы зимы – встреча весны! On the last day of a whole week lasting celebration of one of the most ancient national Russian holidays which still exists – Maslenitsa (“Shrovetide”) — festivities are held dedicated to seeing off winter and the joyful...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Thursday, 27 February, 2020 | Saiga News
«День ОПТ» отметили в школах Каракалпакии. There is a very good tradition in Karakalpakstan – to celebrate the “Day of Protected Areas”. On the eve of this environmental holiday, everyone was pleased with the news: saigas got caught into the frames of a camera...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Monday, 17 February, 2020 | Saiga News
Зимние сайгаки в Степном Among the first things you likely imagine when you hear about the steppe are the endless sea of grasses, bright sunshine and extreme heat. These are salient attributes of the steppe during the summer months. In winter, however, the steppe is...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 7 February, 2020 | Saiga News
Saiga News 25 – Winter 2019 / 2020 is available in English, Russian, Mongolian, Kazakh, Uzbek, and Chinese. Contents Featured Article Reflections on the CITES decision about the international saiga trade: is it a positive move? Updates A co-management council...