White and fluffy

Белые и пушистые On our resources, we have already told you about the National contest ‘Camera trap’, which has been held in Russia for five years and organized by the Forest Monitoring Project with the partnership and support of a number of NGOs and commercial...

Children paint nature

Дети рисуют природу Lots of children’s drawings below… Animal migrations are one of the most striking events in nature. Some animals overcome migration routes with wings, fins or hooves in search of new habitats on the verge of their strength and survival....

Home delivery

С доставкой на дом Long-term experience of the employees of the Stepnoi Reserve, located in the Limanski district of the Astrakhan Region, shows that the conservation of the saiga population of the North-Western Caspian is impossible without the participation and...

December in Stepnoi

Декабрь в Степном Valery Maleev, wildlife photographer Валерий Малеев, фотограф дикой природы Over the past five years, as a wildlife photographer, I have been fortunate enough to repeatedly visit the territory of the Stepnoi Reserve in the Astrakhan Region and take a...

Resurrection Island Project

The Aral Sea, in Central Asia is synonymous with ecological and socio-economic collapse, but carries with it the seeds of its own recovery. At the centre of the region in lies what, until the Sea largely disappeared, used to be an island: Vozrozhdenie (meaning...

Long-awaited award

Долгожданная награда Last June, on the Ecological Day, the IV National Contest “Camera Trap-2018” was launched, the organizer of which, as in previous years, was the “Forest Monitoring Project”, which has been specializing in the supply of “smart” high-quality...

New saiga toys on sale now!

This is not a very ordinary story of a young mother, who evokes a love for saigas in the hearts of old and young alike, with her handmade toys. Her name is Natalya Sayapina, and she is a 29 year-old science teacher. However, she’s taking a break while she concentrates...

2018-2019 Drawing contest, Astrakhan region

In anticipation of the results of a new drawing competition held in the Astrakhan region in October of this year, we want to recall the winners of last year. The competition “Nature is your home. Take care of it!” was announced on November 14, 2018, the...