by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Saturday, 16 November, 2019 | Migratory Species Day, Russia, Saiga News
«День Мигрирующих видов» — приближает нас к природе Animal migration is their regular movement, during which individuals from one habitat move to another, and return back after a while. Animal migrations are one of the most moving and unusual natural...
by Carlyn Samuel | Tuesday, 5 November, 2019 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
This autumn SCA founder, Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland gave a fascinating presentation at the Wildlife Conservation Network’s Expo in San Francisco. She outlines the rise and fall of saiga populations, linking their survival to the challenges and greed of their...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 30 October, 2019 | Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News
На кордоне зацветут тюльпаны! The “Stepnoy” Reserve created in 2000 near the Liman settlement (Astrakhan region, Russia) to save the saiga and other inhabitants of the steppe ecosystems, had not had a place not so long ago where inspectors, who work around...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 22 October, 2019 | Kazakhstan, Russia, Saiga News, Small Grants Programme
Грантовые программы Альянса по сохранению сайгака 2019 — результаты In the Small Grants Program, from the eight applications received from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, three were selected. The winners are: Muhit Suttibay with the project “Suppression of...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 15 October, 2019 | Saiga News
Место, где сбываются мечты! How many people do you know who saw the saigas “live” – absolutely amazing animals resembling fairy elves and who came into our lives from the depths of centuries? Probably not many. But of course there are many people who want to...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 11 September, 2019 | Saiga News
The saiga is a Star-Wars looking Critically Endangered antelope from Central Asia, whose horn is used in traditional Chinese medicines (TCM). Last month, a new rulling by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora strengthened...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 10 September, 2019 | Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan - Featured Post, Saiga News, Young Conservation Leaders
Молодые лидеры в сфере охраны природы 2019 We are pleased to present to you two winners of the SCA’s Young Conservation Leaders programme this year. Мы рады представить вам двоих победителей нашей программы Молодых лидеров в сфере охраны природы в этом году. ...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Monday, 26 August, 2019 | Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan - Featured Post, Saiga News
Художественная акция: рога сайгака продавали в Казахстане. Ссылка на оригинал на русском языке внизу страницы. On August 19 a ‘saiga’ was killed by a poacher in the center of Kostanai city and his horns were sold… This was the dramatic conclusion of...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 23 August, 2019 | Saiga News
23.8.2019. A decision taken yesterday at the CITES Conference of the Parties (CoP) will see the introduction of a zero quota on trade of wild specimens for commercial purposes to both species of saiga antelope, which will remain in Appendix II, pending final decision...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 6 August, 2019 | Mongolia, Mongolia - Featured Post, Saiga hero, Saiga News
Соболезнования по поводу кончины доктора Б. Лхагвасурэна On August 1, 2019, Dr. B. Lhagvasuren, a member of the Steering Committee of the Saiga Conservation Alliance, died at the 61st year of his life. Since 1981, after graduating from the Faculty of Biology of the...