by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Thursday, 18 January, 2024 | Resurrection Island, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
On December 4, 2023, a working meeting was held in the conference room of the Jipek Joli Hotel (Nukus, Karakalpakistan) to discuss the draft Management Plan for the Aralkum National Park (NP) as part of the Darwin Initiative/Defra project “Resurrection Island:...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 17 January, 2024 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
10 ноября в Узбекистане отмечается День мигрирующих животных. Официально, эту экологическую дату стали отмечать в Узбекистане с 2023 года. Но, Степные клубы Каракалпакии, успешно функционирующие при экспертной и методической поддержке Альянса по сохранению Сайгака,...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 17 January, 2024 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
November 10 is celebrated as the Day of Migratory Species in Uzbekistan. Officially, this environmental date began to be celebrated in Uzbekistan in 2023. But the Steppe Clubs of Karakalpakstan, successfully functioning with the expert and methodological support of...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 5 January, 2024 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
Альянс по сохранению сайгака поздравляет всех маленьких любителей природы и их родителей с Новым годом! Мы знаем, что вы заботитесь об охране сайгака и других животных и всей природы в целом. Поэтому мы дарим вам книгу-раскраску «Животный мир Узбекистана:...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 5 January, 2024 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
The Saiga Conservation Alliance wishes all little nature lovers and their parents a Happy New Year! We know that you care about the protection of the saiga and other animals and nature. Therefore, we give you the coloring book “Fauna of Uzbekistan: Karakalpakstan...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 20 December, 2023 | Saiga News
As the year draws to a close, we at Saiga Conservation Alliance want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey of 2023. It has been a year filled with noteworthy achievements, and we owe much of our success to our dedicated donors and supporters. Without...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 19 December, 2023 | Saiga News
The huge increase in numbers of the Ural saiga population – from just over 6,000 in 2003 to over 1 million today – is a major conservation success story, and is testament both to the hard work of the Okhotzooprom rangers in the area and the tolerance and support of...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 19 December, 2023 | Saiga News
Огромный рост численности уральской популяции сайгаков – с чуть более 6000 в 2003 году до более 1 миллиона сегодня – является крупным достижением в области сохранения природы и свидетельствует как о серьёзной работе инспекторов Охотзоопрома в этом районе, так и о...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 12 December, 2023 | Saiga News
E.J. Milner-Gulland, Oxford University and Saiga Conservation Alliance With so much bad news it can be easy to let the good news slip by and focus on the manychallenges that conservationists face. But it’s important to celebrate and share our successes, andalso...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Monday, 11 December, 2023 | Saiga News
Joint press release available here [English] [Russian] In a rare and remarkable conservation success, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has reclassified the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) from Critically Endangered to Near Threatened on the...