by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 2 June, 2023 | Saiga Day, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
The main goal of the event is to promote among the public ideas on the conservation of the critically endangered species – the saiga, and to educate the public on these issues. On May 12, 2023, a number of events dedicated to Saiga Day took place in the Ak Keme...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Monday, 29 May, 2023 | Resurrection Island, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
Date: May 25-26, 2023 Venue: Samarkand, hotel “Asia”, Zarafshan National Natural Park Organizers: Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zoy Ecological Network, CEPF Event languages: Russian, English Participants: employees of the...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 10 May, 2023 | Resurrection Island, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
Every year there is a growing need to improve and develop the system of protected natural areas as the most effective measure of territorial protection, ensuring the real preservation of the most valuable natural objects and maintaining the required level of...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 10 May, 2023 | Resurrection Island, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
С каждым годом растет потребность в совершенствовании и развитии системы охраняемых природных территорий как наиболее эффективной меры территориальной охраны, обеспечивающих реальное сохранение наиболее ценных природных объектов и поддержание необходимого уровня...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Friday, 21 April, 2023 | China, China - Featured Post, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan - Featured Post, Mongolia, Mongolia - Featured Post, Russia, Russia - Featured Post, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
В марте 2023 года SCA (Альянс по сохранению сайгака) провел в Оксфорде установочное совещание по проекту, посвящённому сохранению сайгака, и панельную встречу «Сохранение дикой природы в степях Центральной Азии». Эти мероприятия собрали участников из различных...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Monday, 3 April, 2023 | Saiga Day, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
Конкурс приурочен к Дню Сайгака 2023. Конкурс проводится в сроки с 25 марта по 28 апреля 2023 года. По сложившейся традиции отмечать День Сайгака в Каракалпакии приглашаем Вас и Ваших учащихся принять участие в конкурсе «Увлекательный урок-SOS сайгак»Принять участие в...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Tuesday, 15 November, 2022 | Resurrection Island, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
Report by Nadira Shaabasova, training held from October 13 to 15, 2022 A series of training on ecotourism for tourism specialists in the Aral Sea region are being conducted within the framework of the GIZ regional project “Environmentally oriented regional...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Saturday, 12 November, 2022 | Resurrection Island, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
On November 8-9, 2022, initial training was held on the use of camera traps for further monitoring of wild animals in the territory of the Aralkum National Park being created. Aralkum is a new anthropogenic desert that arose on the site of the dried-up Aral Sea as a...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Wednesday, 12 October, 2022 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
The main goal of the trainings is to analyze the impact of tourism and industrial expansion on biodiversity, as well as to promote effective measures to mitigate this impact, to prevent biodiversity loss to ensure the integrity and sustainability of ecosystems,...
by Alexandra Bukvarevaa | Saturday, 17 September, 2022 | Resurrection Island, Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
The UK Government, within the framework of the Darwin Initiative / Defra, has allocated a grant to Uzbekistan to support a project called “Resurrection Island: Industry, Nature Conservation and Development around the Aral Sea”. The project is being implemented by...