Winners of Saiga Conservation Alliance Awards and Small Grants

The Saiga Conservation Alliance 2015 Awards Event took place on Thursday 29th October 2015 at Hotel Uzbekistan in Tashkent. Presentations were made by winners of awards and small grants from the SCA over the last few years, and the 2015 winners were presented with...

Saiga Youth Camp – 2015

From 17-24th August 25 Uzbek children between the ages of 11-15 joined the SCA’s first ‘Saiga Youth Wildlife Camp’. 18 children from Karakalpakia, the region where saigas can still be found in Uzbekistan and 7 children from Tashkent who acted as ‘local guides’, as...

SCA Uzbekistan go to Kenya

Among all the events we have carried out for saiga conservation world this year, we wanted to highlight our first knowledge-exchange trip. The Uzbek SCA team, including Sasha the Saiga traveled to Kenya. We had a unique opportunity to spread the word about saigas far...