by Carlyn Samuel | Friday, 18 May, 2018 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan
Over 100 children from a school in Uzbekistan wrote postcards to new friends in Canada during saiga day celebrations this month. The cards were designed by the great team at the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre, who we thank for their support. The children...
by Carlyn Samuel | Thursday, 1 March, 2018 | China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Saiga News, Uzbekistan
The Saiga Conservation Alliance is offering bursaries to support people attending the SCA Asia Section Meeting in Bishkek in early August 2018, who intend to present on topics relevant to saiga antelope conservation. Read on and apply here Loading… ...
by Carlyn Samuel | Sunday, 12 November, 2017 | Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Saiga News, Uzbekistan
In the run up to ‘GIVING TUESDAY’ next week we are lauching a short appeal to help the brave rangers who will be protecting saigas in the coming freezing conditions. Photo: E. Polonskiy Photo: ACBK Photo: ACBK WINTERY SAIGA FACTS * Saigas live in...
by Carlyn Samuel | Friday, 25 November, 2016 | Migratory Species Day, Saiga News, Uzbekistan
Did you know that saigas are a migratory species just like whales and penguins! Saigas migrate south to find better pastures in winter. To celebrate the beginning of the migration season school children in the saiga’s range in Uzbekistan hold the ‘Day of...
by Carlyn Samuel | Wednesday, 5 October, 2016 | Camera Trapping, Population Monitoring, Protected Area designation, Saiga News, Uzbekistan
The SCA is being funded by People’s Trust for Endangered Species to carry out research into the saiga population thought to inhabit Vozrozhdenie Island in the Aral sea, Uzbekistan. Vozrozhdeniye Island, was, up until Soviet times was an island in the Aral Sea....
by Carlyn Samuel | Wednesday, 28 September, 2016 | Protected Area designation, Saiga News, Uzbekistan
In 2008, we began working with the Uzbek government, local partners and NGOs to create a much-needed safe-haven for saigas and other wildlife in Uzbekistan. Financial support from Disney Wildlife Foundation allowed us to work with local people to ensure their needs...
by Carlyn Samuel | Friday, 16 September, 2016 | Saiga News, Saiga youth camp, Uzbekistan
We’re excited to announce that today saw the opening ceremony of our Saiga Kids’ Camp 2016. This year saiga camp welcomes 30 children with teachers from 3 saiga range areas: Nukus, Karakalpakstan and Jaslyk. It is the second time when the leading participants of...
by Carlyn Samuel | Friday, 26 August, 2016 | Saiga Day, Steppe Wildlife Club, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan - Featured Post
On the eve of Saiga Day festival, children of Steppe Wildlife clubs in Karakalpakia learnt how to put on a puppet show! The show targeted primary and secondary school children as well as their teachers and parents raising awareness of wildlife conservation issues....
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 19 May, 2016 | Saiga Day, Saiga News, Steppe Wildlife Club, Uzbekistan
The ecological festival drew a huge audience in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, from kindergarten and primary school kids to adults of all ages. This year, Uz-Kor Gas Chemical workers in Ustyurt joined the festival as well. As a part of the Saiga Day, they planted saxaul...
by saigaconservationalliance | Thursday, 28 January, 2016 | Saiga News, Uzbekistan, Young Conservation Leaders
2016 Young Conservation leader arranges training session for children. Last month Begis Sultamuratov, an Enviromental-journalist at the “Jetkinshek” newspaper, and winner of the 2016 SCA Young Conservation Leader award, held a seminar and training event for the...