
Photo by Eugeny Polonsky
Every donation counts in the fight to bring this beautiful creature back from the brink of extinction.
Here are just a few of the ways in which your donation can help:
Support Wildlife Clubs – Environmental education for children
Establishing Wildlife Clubs in villages associated with saiga poaching allows children to have fun while learning to value their own natural heritage.
$70 provides a child with everything they need to take part in club activities for a year, including notebooks, pens, and uniforms.
$1500 buys essential field equipment (tents, binoculars, cameras, transportation), so children can take part in eco-camps and engage with their natural environment.
Support rangers to monitor and protect saigas
It is essential to protect the remaining saiga populations from poaching, which is their greatest threat. Help us support the dedicated ranger teams to combat this crime.
$80 buys enough gasoline for rangers to run motorbike patrols for a season.
$200 buys a pair of high-powered binoculars so rangers can spot saigas from a distance.
$250 buys an infrared camera, essential to help locate poachers who operate at night.
$800 helps to equip rangers with protective clothing to keep them safe during their dangerous patrols.
Support grass-roots conservation projects
Our Young Conservation Leaders Awards (YCL) and Small Grants Programme (SGP) support conservation actions at a local level, inspiring and engaging people who may otherwise not have access to funding and support for their projects.
$1000 sponsors a Young Conservation Leader to carry out their saiga conservation project.
$500 enables us to create, translate, and disseminate materials relating to SGP and YCL projects to saiga conservationists in other countries.
$3000 supports one Small Grants Program in either a saiga range state or a country that trades in saiga derivatives.
Help Save Saigas Today With Your Donation
Donations are crucial for the SCA. Any support that you can offer will make a real difference to the conservation of the saiga.
If you live in the United States…
Donations can be made through the Wildlife Conservation Network and are tax deductable. This button will take you to the WCN webpage, where you can choose your donation amount:
If you are resident in any country other than the United States, donations can be made in two ways:
Donate via PayPal
The Donate button will take you to our secure payment portal on PayPal, where you can choose your donation amount