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Volunteer With Us
The SCA is almost entirely run by volunteers, and we welcome any offers of assistance to help save the saiga.
Please email us if you would like to get involved directly, telling us how you think you can best help our cause.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
We are always interested in hearing from new sponsors. If you or the organisation you work for are interested in sponsoring one of our projects, or any other aspect of our work, please get in touch and we will be delighted to discuss potential partnerships with you.

The Wildlife Conservation Network
In 2007 the SCA was invited to become a partner organisation of the World Conservation Network (WCN). The WCN provide financial support for the SCA’s projects in Uzbekistan and further afield (which you can read about here) and also invite us to participate in their annual fundraising Expo, which allows us to reach even more potential donors and supporters. The WCN also supports production of Saiga News.
We are incredibly grateful for the recent support in raising an incredible amount of money to fund conservationists on the ground researching the terrible 2015 mass mortality event in Kazakhstan, as well as in helping us to keep a critical saiga breeding and research station open in Russia.

People's Trust for Endangered Species
The People’s Trust for Endangered Species generously co-fund the SCA’s public engagement project in western Kazakhstan, which seeks to help conserve the struggling Ural saiga population.
It is also funding latest research into the Saigas of Vozrozhdenie island (Anthrax Island!) We are also grateful to Ptes for helping us with emergency funding after the 2015 Kazak die-off tragedy which is allowing us to carry our research into what triggered the outbreak

International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC)
We are grateful to institutional member CIC for their generous donation in 2009, which enabled SCA experts to contribute to the 29th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists in Moscow, as well as supporting the 2009 Small Grants Programme and the winter 2009 issue of Saiga News.

Disney Club Penguin Coins for Change
Disney Club Penguin Coins for Change is a unique annual charity event for kids who play Disney’s Club Penguin. Their generous donations have supported the SCA’s work with children in Uzbekistan.

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species
The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS) has a joint Memorandum of Understanding with the SCA. To find out more, and to see how you can contribute to keeping this MOU up to date, please visit our CMS page.
The CMS also helps to sponsor production of the SCA’s biannual newsletter, Saiga News.

Fauna and Flora International (FFI)
Fauna and Flora International work directly with the SCA’s projects in Uzbekistan. They are also funding the translation of this website into Russian, which will enable us to reach a much broader range of people across the saiga range states.

WWF Mongolia
WWF Mongolia fund staff salaries for the Mongolian editors of Saiga News.

Disney Conservation Fund
The Disney Conservation Fund kindly support several SCA community outreach programmes in western Kazakhstan.

Houston Zoo
Our thanks go to Houston Zoo for allowing Kara Masharani, a valued member of their staff, to give her time and incredible expertise to build us this fantastic new website. You have no idea how grateful we are.
Houston Zoo kindly supports some of our conservation projects in Uzbekistan namely our alternative livelihood embroidery project for women and Saiga Day celebrations.

San Diego Zoo Global
Our thanks go to San Diego Zoo Global supporting some of our conservation projects in Uzbekistan namely for creating a new educational program and booklet with the aim of helping children learn about saiga and their ecology. It is also supporting our work to create a best practice guide to breeding saigas in captivity.

Rufford Small Grants Foundation
The Rufford Small Grants Foundation kindly support production of Saiga News and the SCA’s participatory monitoring project in Kalmykia, Russia.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund generously support Saiga News, the Small Grants Programme and the SCA’s participatory monitoring project in Kalmykia, Russia.

Save Our Species
The Save Our Species global coalition generously co-fund the SCA’s public engagement project in western Kazakhstan which seeks to help conserve the struggling Ural saiga population.
Institutional Members
Below is a list of the SCA’s current institutional members, and your organisation can join them!
Membership is free – all you have to do is email us. Institutional members of the SCA have the opportunity to display their name and a web link on this page, as well as the option to provide more information about their organisation and their link to saigas on their own dedicated page. Additionally, your organisation can gain further exposure by sponsoring Saiga News, our bi-annual newsletter, or by sponsoring the SCA small grants competition, which awards grants to local conservationists to carry out small, focused conservation projects of up to $2,000.
If your organisation is interested in joining, please do get in touch. In the meantime, please have a look at our current institutional members!
Our Institutional Members
BAG Eurasia of NABU
Working group of the German Society for Nature Conservation (NABU) dealing with conservation projects in Europe and Asia.
For more information on BAG of Eurasia NABU’s work with saiga, visit their website.
Conservation Works
Conservation Works’ mission is to improve wildlife conservation effectiveness by offering donors a funding mechanism that ensures value for their support.
Conservation Works facilitated an e-dialogue between European zoos and an international NGO to help conserve the saiga. This led to identifying a major obstruction to progress, a lack of knowledge about saiga migratory movements. Conservation Works has sponsored the SCA to help support a major study to discover where saiga go and when, critical to a strategic plan for their future protection and management.
Visit the Conservation Works website to find out more about them.
Frankfurt Zoological Society
The Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) was established in 1858 and has been involved in over 70 conservation projects in 30 countries, focusing on eastern Africa where their long-serving president, Professor Dr. Bernhard Grzimek invested much time and effort.
Find out how the FZS supports saiga conservation on their website.
Large Herbivore Network
The Large Herbivore Network (LHNet) is an independent knowledge network under the umbrella of ECNC-European Centre for Nature Conservation. LHNet’s focus is to preserve and restore all large herbivores in Eurasia in the wild, so that they are visible to a broad public. LHNet brings together experts and interested parties, as well as non-governmental and governmental organizations (NGOs and GOs) of many nationalities and from a wide range of disciplines.
Find out more about them on the LHNet website.
Find out about the Russian Committee for the UNESCO Programme on Man and the Biosphere’s work with saiga by visiting their website.
WWF Mongolia
World Wildlife Federation (WWF) Mongolia has supported Saiga conservation since 1998. WWF started a new, major action, in September 2007 with financial support from the MAVA Foundation. The main goal of the project is:
• Strengthening law enforcement by setting-up a Saiga Conservation Mobile Anti-poaching Unit and a community based network of Saiga Rangers.
• Intensifying cooperation with local people (herders) to promote community based Saiga conservation and Saiga oriented rangeland management.
• Launching a broad education and awareness program.
CIC Wildlife
CIC Wildlife is the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation. With its renowned scientific capacity, CIC Wildlife assists governments and environmental organizations in maintaining natural resources by sustainable use.
CIC Wildlife was the first ever Institutional Member of the SCA! They were our first Featured Institutional Member in the January 2009 issue of Saiga News.
Visit their website to find out more about them and how they help the saiga.
Fauna and Flora International
Fauna & Flora International (FFI) was established over a century ago. Founded in 1903, it was the world’s first international conservation organization and the pioneering work of its founders in Africa led to the creation of numerous protected areas, including Kruger and Serengeti National Parks.
Expanding beyond its African origins, Fauna & Flora International succeeded in giving conservation a voice on the international stage, drawing worldwide attention to the plight of rare and endangered species.
For more information, visit the Flora and Fauna International website.
Gilman International Conservation
Gilman International Conservation (GIC) supports the conservation of flagship species through partnerships that safeguard habitat, protect wildlife, and engage local communities. GIC is based at the White Oaks Conservation Centre in North Florida, one of the world’s premiere wildlife breeding, research and training facilities.
Spitalfields City Farm
Spitalfields City Farm is the nearest city farm to the city of London, the capital’s financial centre. Despite this, the farm is located in one of the most deprived and densely populated wards of Tower Hamlets, although Spitalfields remains a vibrant and colourful multi-cultural area with strong community links.
Receiving over 18,000 visitors a year and spread over 1.3 acres of land owned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and Railtrack. The farm keeps a selection of farm animals and has developed growing areas in every available space.
To read more about Spitalfield’s involvement with the SCA’s cross-cultural exchange between the UK and Kalmykia, Russia, click here.
Spitalfields City Farm is now offering saiga sponsorships as part of their popular Animal Adoptions scheme! For more information, visit their website.
Uzbekistan Zoological Society
The Uzbekistan Zoology Society currently has no website.