Winners of Saiga Conservation Alliance Awards and Small Grants

The Saiga Conservation Alliance 2015 Awards Event took place on Thursday 29th October 2015 at Hotel Uzbekistan in Tashkent. Presentations were made by winners of awards and small grants from the SCA over the last few years, and the 2015 winners were presented with...

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Donate Photo by Eugeny Polonsky Every donation counts in the fight to bring this beautiful creature back from the brink of extinction. Here are just a few of the ways in which your donation can help: Support Wildlife Clubs – Environmental education for children...

Saving Saigas: Our Projects

Saving Saigas: Projects Around the World Photo by Eugeny Polonsky Browse Our Projects Our projects span two decades of studying and protecting the critically endangered saiga antelope. We start with sound science, working with local citizens to survey saiga...