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Updates from Mongolia

Irreplaceable loss!

Невосполнимая потеря! Memories of Anna Lushchekina about Dr. B. B. Lhagvasuren who passed away on August 1, 2019. Воспоминания Анны Лущёкиной о докторе Б. Лхагвасурэне, скончавшемся 1 августа 2019. It is impossible to believe in this very sad, tragic news from...

Mongolian Saiga Mural

Mongolian Saiga Mural

I arrived into Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbataar on the 24th of September 2017. My objective: to paint a set of murals depicting the steppe wildlife (with the Saiga at the centre) as a way of engaging on conservation issues with rural communities. This was to be my...

Latest on the Mongolian crisis

Today our colleagues at WWF-Mongolia announced the results of a survey carried out by WWF-Mongolia and WCS-Mongolia in conjunction with local government agencies. Over the period 13-20th March transect surveys were carried out in the saiga ranges in Mongolia. We are...

Tragic saiga deaths in Mongolia

Saiga deaths in Mongolia. We have received reports of the tragic death of over 500 Mongolian saigas in recent weeks. This disease outbreak is worrying because the Mongolian subspecies numbers only around 12,000 individuals*. Initial reports suggest that the cause is...

Our Young Conservation Leaders are inspirational, carrying out grass-roots conservation projects

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Meet our 2016/7 Young Conservation Leaders

Our Young Conservation Leaders are inspirational, carrying out grass-roots conservation projects The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we aim to support aspiring...

Winners of Saiga Conservation Alliance Awards and Small Grants

The Saiga Conservation Alliance 2015 Awards Event took place on Thursday 29th October 2015 at Hotel Uzbekistan in Tashkent. Presentations were made by winners of awards and small grants from the SCA over the last few years, and the 2015 winners were presented with...