Saving Saigas: Projects Around the World
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Updates from Russia
Rangers work in Stepnoi – part 2 – inform the local population and water the animals. #WorldRangerDay
To inform local people and prevent border violations, state rangers have installed bright information signs visible from afar around the perimeter of the Reserve and on especially important roads. These signs must be changed as the paint fades under the scorching rays...
Saigas under the supervision … #CameraTrapTuesday
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Russia), together with ZAO Ferrero Russia (brand Kinder®), developed and launched in 2021 the project “Take care of saigas together!”, within the framework of which the “Black Lands” Reserve, located in the Republic of Kalmykia, and...
Rangers work in Stepnoi — always on duty! #WorldRangerDay
Their professional holiday – World Ranger Day - the state rangers of the Stepnoi Reserve in the Astrakhan Region, Russia, where a significant part of the saiga population of the North-Western Caspian Sea lives year-round, will as always, meet in the steppe. Even...
Saiga Day in Russia 6 – Steppe Club “Vozrozhdenije” (Resurrection)
Here is the last part of Saiga Day 2021 in Russia posts - about the celebration in the Steppe Club "Vozrozhdenije" (Resurrection). Together with the teams from 15 schools of Astrakhan region quys participated in the quest "Steppe watch" which was covered by the local...
Saiga Day in Russia 5 – Steppe Clug “Tsagda”
This year the new Steppe Club named "Tsagda" was created in Kalmykia, Russia. An article was published in a local newspaper about this event / В этом году новый степной клуб "Цагда" был создан в Калмыкии в России. В местной газете вышла статья по поводу этого события....
In this camera trap video captured in April in Stepnoi Reserve (Russia), you see female saigas - mothers-to-be. На этом видео, снятом фотоловушкой в апреле в Степном заказнике (Россия) вы видите самок сайгака - будущих...
Saiga Day in Russia 4 – Steppe Club “By the path of the saiga”
Lots of interesting activities happened during the Saiga Day conducted by the Steppe Club "By the path of the saiga" from Russia. Here you can see some of them. Много интересного происходило на Дне сайгака, организованном степным клубом "Тропой сайгака". Вот некоторые...
Saiga Day in Russia 3 – Steppe Club “Friends of Nature”
During the celebration of Saiga Day in 2021, participants of the steppe club "Friends of Nature" from the school "KEG" in Elista conducted a quest game "Saiga Trails" with students from a Moscow school. Also, a trip "Singing Dunes" to the saiga habitat in the...
This #CameraTrapTuesday shot captured a hot discussion between two saiga males in Stepnoi Reserve (Russia). Этот снимок #CameraTrapTuesday запечатлел горячую дискуссию между двумя самцами сайгака в Степном заказанике (Россия)....
Saiga Day in Russia 2 – Steppe Club “Ecolyata”
May 14-15, 2021 the steppe club "Ecolyata" of the "Achinerovskaya secondary school" conducted events dedicated to Saiga Day. Students of grades 1-11 took an active part. On May 14 there was a grand opening dedicated to Saiga Day. On May 15 there were quizzes, contests...