Saving Saigas: Projects Around the World
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Updates from Russia
Support Saiga Rangers this ‘Giving Tuesday’
In the run up to 'GIVING TUESDAY' next week we are lauching a short appeal to help the brave rangers who will be protecting saigas in the coming freezing conditions. [gallery size="medium"...
Young Conservation Leaders winner report: Aitbaeva Aigul’ Maratovna
Aitbaeva Aigul’ Maratovna, 27 year old, Kalmykia, Russia In the period from September 2016 to February 2017 in the Republic of Kalmykia, an action was carried out for putting up leaflets "Save the Saiga". This action became possible thanks to the Saiga Conservation...
How do you get a PortaCabin onto the Astrakhan Steppe?
Ask the SCA's 2016 Small Grant Winner Vladimir Kalmykov of Course! This year our Small Grants Programme was generously supported by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. Due to this support we were able to award three great...
‘Public Outreach – an important tool in improving the protection of saiga inhabiting in the North-West’. Report from Small Grants Program winner.
Vladimir Kalmykov. Russia Место выполнения проекта (страна, регион, место расположения на карте):Российская Федерация, Астраханская область, Лиманский район Популяция сайгака Северо-Западного Прикаспия продолжает оставаться в состоянии депрессии и к настоящему времени...
‘Development of the brochure “Saiga – living heritage of ancestors’. Report of Small Grants Program winner.
Saiga Day celebrations in Russia 2016
As part of the annual celebration of the Saiga Day Yashkul High School held a series of events dedicated to the conservation of saiga. The annual competition "antelopes" saw over 60 children taking part in an event to promote environmental awareness and saiga...
Read moreOur Young Conservation Leaders are inspirational, carrying out grass-roots conservation projects
Meet our 2016/7 Young Conservation Leaders
Our Young Conservation Leaders are inspirational, carrying out grass-roots conservation projects The SCA recognises that it is imperative to support the next generation of conservationists, and so with our Young Conservation Leaders award we aim to support aspiring...
Latest SCA educational mural comes to Kalmykia
Russian Mural 2016 – written by Rory McCann For the past 4 years, I have worked as a mural artist, with a focus on using my art to inspire people to have a greater interest in wildlife. Without a doubt, the most exciting and rewarding work I have done to date has been...
Small Grant Award winners announced
Announcing the winners of the 2016 SCA Small Grants Programme, supported by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. This year we are pleased to be supporting three exciting projects proposed by local conservationists within the saiga’s...
Small Grant Award Winners: Russia
Public Outreach - an important tool in improving the protection of saiga in the North-West Caspian The saiga population of the North-West Caspian remains critically endangered, with about 3500 animals. Their main threat being poaching for their horns which are used in...