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Saiga Day in Uzbekistan continuation – part 2. Saiga Day 2021 in Ustyurt. Villages located near the Saigachy Reserve

5 May. Celebrating Saiga Day 2021 in the village of Kyrk-Kyz. The steppe club based on school number 31 friendly welcomes guests from school number 52 in the neighboring village of Elabad. An important fact is that Uz-Kor Gas Chemical JV LLC became partners in the...


A young saiga male in winter coat grazes on a snow-free winter pasture in Uzbekistan, Ustyurt plateau, Saigachiy Reserve, February 2021. Молодой самец сайгака в зимнем наряде пасется на зимнем пастбище свободном от снега на территории Узбекистана, Плато Устюрт,...