Saving Saigas: Projects Around the World
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Saiga Day Celebration
Saiga Day is celebrated across the saiga range states
Saiga Day was conceived by the SCA as an international initiative to create a focus within rural communities for conservation of the saiga and its habitat. The festivities take place each spring to mark the birth of the first saiga calves of the year, and is a celebration of life which unites communities across the saiga’s range under a common symbol.
Saiga Day News
Saiga Day in Muynak (Uzbekistan) “SOS Save Our Saiga”
The main goal of the event is to promote among the public ideas on the conservation of the critically endangered species - the saiga, and to educate the public on these issues. On May 12, 2023, a number of events dedicated to Saiga Day took place in the Ak Keme...
Конкурс для учителей и руководителей Степных клубов Узбекистана: «Увлекательный урок – SOS сайга»
Конкурс приурочен к Дню Сайгака 2023. Конкурс проводится в сроки с 25 марта по 28 апреля 2023 года. По сложившейся традиции отмечать День Сайгака в Каракалпакии приглашаем Вас и Ваших учащихся принять участие в конкурсе «Увлекательный урок-SOS сайгак»Принять участие в...
Saiga Day Uzbekistan recap
We held SCA’s traditional spring event - Saiga Day (supported by WFN & WCN) in Muynak and Kungrad region. The methodological basis of the celebration was developed and proposed to the mentors of the SWCs by the educational team from NGO "Ekomaktab". Preparations...
Saiga Day 2022 in Muynak, Uzbekistan: Eco-festival “Saiga – a bridge between the past and the future”
On May 5, 2022, Saiga Day was celebrated at secondary schools No. 1 and 4 in Muynak, Karakalpakstan. The eco-festival was organized within the framework of the project "Resurrection (Vozrozhdenie) Island: Entrepreneurship, Preservation and Development around the Aral...
Saiga Day 2022 in Kalmykia, Russia – at the “Friends of Nature” steppe club
The steppe club "Friends of Nature" celebrated the Saiga Day in their school "Kalmyk Ethnocultural Gymnasium named after. Zaya - Pandits" within the framework of the “ecological” month. The annual ecological month at the school is held with the aim of attracting...
Saiga Day in Jaslyk, Uzbekistan. Youth festival “Saiga is a bridge between the past and the future” is rolling
The festival relay race, devoted to Saiga Day 2022, was picked up in the villages located near the Saigachi Reserve. The village of Jaslyk on the basis of school No. 54 hospitably received teams of young ecologists from neighboring villages - from school No. 31 in the...
Saiga Day 2022 in Liman, Astrakhan region
Saiga Day 2022 was celebrated in the Limansky district of the Astrakhan region (RU) with the participation of the Vozrozhdenie (Resurrection) steppe club. A part of the celebration was the regional environmental competition of campaign teams "Save the saiga together",...
Saiga Day 2022 in Nukus, Uzbekistan
In the spring, we again hold our favorite Saiga Day festival. Today we are starting a series of reports from Uzbekistan on the celebration of the revival of saigas and the steppe. Every year for Saiga Day we offer a special theme related to different aspects of saiga...
Saiga Day in Russia 6 – Steppe Club “Vozrozhdenije” (Resurrection)
Here is the last part of Saiga Day 2021 in Russia posts - about the celebration in the Steppe Club "Vozrozhdenije" (Resurrection). Together with the teams from 15 schools of Astrakhan region quys participated in the quest "Steppe watch" which was covered by the local...
Saiga Day in Russia 5 – Steppe Clug “Tsagda”
This year the new Steppe Club named "Tsagda" was created in Kalmykia, Russia. An article was published in a local newspaper about this event / В этом году новый степной клуб "Цагда" был создан в Калмыкии в России. В местной газете вышла статья по поводу этого события....