Winners of excellence in saiga protection award
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2017/8 excellence in saiga protection award Project 1 Inzhieva Gerel Davaevna, part of the national Preschool Educational Institution in Russia will be creating “The Saiga Trail” for pre-schoolers in Russia. Which...Support Saiga Rangers this ‘Giving Tuesday’
In the run up to ‘GIVING TUESDAY’ next week we are lauching a short appeal to help the brave rangers who will be protecting saigas in the coming freezing conditions. Photo: E. Polonskiy Photo: ACBK Photo: ACBK WINTERY SAIGA FACTS * Saigas live in...‘Review and analysis of public attitudes to the problem of conservation of the Ural saiga population’. Report of the Small Grants Program winner.
Bibigul Sarsenova, Kazakhstan Introduction Saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica tatarica L., 1766) – is one of the most ancient representatives of the mammoth fauna, survived to the present day. This migrating herd animal is a common specie of the steppes and semi-deserts...Latest news about saigas and the tragic deaths in 2015
Read an article written by SCA founder E.J. Milner-Gulland that will get you up to speed on the status of the Saiga Antelope ...Stamping out the illegal trade in saiga horns
*Saiga horns are also known as ling yang (羚羊) and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine Take a moment to look at these images. They are adverts for illegally buying and selling saiga horns, you can easily find them in all cities and villages in Kazakhstan. They are...How do you monitor an animal as fast as a saiga?
SCA partners in Kazakhstan the ACBK, together with the “Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems” and “Okhotzooprom” carried out their regular monitoring of the Ural and Ustyrt saiga populations from September 20th to October 20th. This work was carried out...‘Saiga Day’ festival in Central Kazakhstan 2016
At the beginning of June a “Saiga Day” festival was organized for over 100 local schoolchildren aged between 7-11 from Korgalzhyn village in Central Kazakhstan. This exciting event was fully supported by the SCA and our generous funders Wildlife Conservation Network....Read moreOur Young Conservation Leaders are inspirational, carrying out grass-roots conservation projects