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Saving Saiga
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The SCA Blog
SCA’s founder speaks about why the saiga suffered a 95% decline in its population
EJ has been researching saiga antelope for nearly 30 years, and is an expert in its history and ecology. Here she charts the collapse of the saiga population and how her research changed from understanding the ecology of the species, to thinking about the social and...
In this camera trap video captured in April in Stepnoi Reserve (Russia), you see female saigas - mothers-to-be. На этом видео, снятом фотоловушкой в апреле в Степном заказнике (Россия) вы видите самок сайгака - будущих...
Saiga Day in Russia 4 – Steppe Club “By the path of the saiga”
Lots of interesting activities happened during the Saiga Day conducted by the Steppe Club "By the path of the saiga" from Russia. Here you can see some of them. Много интересного происходило на Дне сайгака, организованном степным клубом "Тропой сайгака". Вот некоторые...
Saiga Day in Russia 3 – Steppe Club “Friends of Nature”
During the celebration of Saiga Day in 2021, participants of the steppe club "Friends of Nature" from the school "KEG" in Elista conducted a quest game "Saiga Trails" with students from a Moscow school. Also, a trip "Singing Dunes" to the saiga habitat in the...
This #CameraTrapTuesday shot captured a hot discussion between two saiga males in Stepnoi Reserve (Russia). Этот снимок #CameraTrapTuesday запечатлел горячую дискуссию между двумя самцами сайгака в Степном заказанике (Россия)....
Saiga Day in Russia 2 – Steppe Club “Ecolyata”
May 14-15, 2021 the steppe club "Ecolyata" of the "Achinerovskaya secondary school" conducted events dedicated to Saiga Day. Students of grades 1-11 took an active part. On May 14 there was a grand opening dedicated to Saiga Day. On May 15 there were quizzes, contests...
Saiga Day 2021 in Russia – part 1. Steppe Club “Elvg-Delvg Erdnihn”
On May 14-15, 2021, the Saiga Day was celebrated at the "Elvg-Delvg Erdnihn" steppe club in the Yustinsky District of the Republic of Kalmykia under the auspices of the Saiga Conservation Alliance. This event was attended by almost all students of the school: from the...
In this case, the camera trap captured a tolai hare or a sandstone hare in the Saigachy Reserve in Uzbekistan. Unlike its European fellows, this hare has much larger ears, which are an adaptive trait that helps to survive in hot climate. На этом фото камера...
Saiga Day in Uzbekistan continuation – part 3. Saiga Day in Karakalpakstan
The 6th of May. Saiga Day in the village of Karakalpakstan. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the Saigachiy Reserve. The day before, sports competitions took place in the village of Karakalpakstan - a marathon race among students of school No. 26 and a...
This #CameraTrapTuesday look at this grazing saiga female in Saigachy Reserve, Uzbekistan. В этот вторник #CameraTrapTuesday посмотрите на эту пасущуюся сайгчиху в заказнике Сайгачий в...
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