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Saving Saiga

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The SCA Blog


Steppe harrier looks out on the ground for food. Stepnoi Reserve, Russia Степной лунь высматривает на земле, чем бы поживиться. Заказник Степной, Россия.

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Announcement of SCA Small Grants Programme 2021

Generously funded by the Wildlife Conservation Network May 4th 2021 We are pleased to announce a small grants competition for the conservation of the saiga antelope. The competition is funded by the Wildlife Conservation Network and administered by the Saiga...

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The gray robber did not even suspect that the sensitive "eye" of a camera trap, installed not far from his path on the territory of the Stepnoi Reserve, Astrakhan region, was watching him. Серый разбойник и не подозревал, что за ним наблюдает чуткий «глаз»...

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Young Сonservation Leaders announcement 2021

Generously funded by the Wildlife Conservation Network UPD: Application deadline has been prolonged till Jun 14th, 2021. Срок подачи заявок продлён до 14 июня 2021 г. The Saiga Conservation Alliance is pleased to launch the 2021 call for applications in support of...

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Saigas came to the artesian well to drink and saw the surface frozen and covered with snow. It is known that saigas also quench their thirst by eating snow. Camera trap shot made in Stepnoi Reserve, RU. Сайгаки, по привычке пришедшие к артезианской скважине не...

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“Saiga Day 2021” at the start

In the capital of Karakalpakia (UZ), the leaders of the Steppe Clubs and youth eco-leaders gathered with one goal: to sum up the work of eco-clubs for the difficult year of 2020 and to discuss events for the upcoming “Saiga Day 2021”. It is very pleasant to...

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A young saiga male in winter coat grazes on a snow-free winter pasture in Uzbekistan, Ustyurt plateau, Saigachiy Reserve, February 2021. Молодой самец сайгака в зимнем наряде пасется на зимнем пастбище свободном от снега на территории Узбекистана, Плато Устюрт,...

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Steppe fire is a disaster for everyone!

The vegetation of the North-Western Caspian region has undergone significant changes in the last almost thirty years, mainly expressed in an increase in the proportion of cereals and a reduction in the areas occupied by shrubs, which has led to an increase in the...

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Look at this Steppe Eagle, who lands in the Stepnoi Reserve, like a Boeing at an airport Посмотрите на этого степного орла, который приземляется в Степном заказнике как боинг в...

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Quite often in the lens of camera traps installed on the territory of the Stepnoi Reserve in the Astrakhan Region, flocks of little bustards, the smallest of our bustards, appear. But here is a photo of a single bird - which is quite rare. It is interesting that the...

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